About Quick Hit Yoga Online
I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years. My love of power yoga, strength training, movement and personal growth work inspired me to create Quick Hit Yoga. I have a busy life as we all do. As a working Mom with a passion for fitness I wanted to create a class that would bring all of these elements together in an on-line virtual studio called Quick Hit Yoga.

Quick Hit Yoga Online combines a yoga and strength class into one kick-butt movement experience. At Quick Hit Yoga you can choose from a variety of styles:
- Vinyassa flow
- Yoga with Weights
- Yoga Sculpt
- Yin/Yang yoga
All classes will strengthen your entire body in under 30 minutes and all from the convenience of your own home and timetable.

What to Expect from Quick Hit Yoga OnLine
Fun engaging online yoga classes that are easy to follow and can be done in less than 30 minutes. A full body strengthening component in every class. A movement experience that will boost your metabolism, willpower and mood for long after your class is over. A unique variety of classes and styles to keep you to committed to hitting your mat every day.
- a stronger core
- increased cardiovascular health.
- increased muscle tone.
-increased flexibility, balance and bone strength.

Who is Quick Hit Yoga Online For?
Yoga lovers who want variety, convenience and a strengthening component to their practice.
Busy professionals and parents who need convenience and effective workouts that they can do from home or when traveling.
Health conscious individuals who want to build their core strength and over all muscle tone for long term wellness and mobility.
Anyone who want to get strong, flexible while torching calories all at once.
I'll meet you on the mat!!!

About Me
Martha believes she is just a better everything when she leaves her mat .Her mat is a vehicle for creativity, freedom and personal growth. It is a place of pure space where she connects to her blessings,tools, gifts and her authenticity. Yoga has brought Martha through some very challenging times in her life. Martha finds a deep connection to the best version of herself on the mat, moment to moment to moment. Her extreme yoga goal is to be a radiant exemplar and ignite this same SOUL FORCE energy in as many people as possible and watch them shine!

Martha has been practicing and teaching yoga for 18 years. Martha received her first 300 hour yoga certification with The American Yoga Academy in the year 2000. In 2001 Martha received her yoga certification from The Yoga and Healing Center in New Jersey with Wendy Grosse, who specialized in Soul Sweat Yoga. In 2003, Martha was certified in Prenatal Yoga with Janice Clarfield at Kripalu Yoga, and in 2008, her Yoga Ed Certification in Ontario.
Martha has been inspired by David Life and Sharon Gannon, the founders of Jivamukti yoga, and has attended several intensive training and summer camps with them. Martha also spent a week long intensive with Bikram Choudrey at Kripalu Yoga and is very familiar with the magic of who he is and the yoga he has created. This year, Martha completed her Baron Baptiste Level 3, and is currently working on her certification with him. Martha has also completed her Yoga With Weights Certification with Danielle Diamond,the Founder of Xen Strength Yoga.
Martha is currently completing her year long Optimize Your Life coaching course with Brian Johnson and is looking forward to helping her students grow into their Optimal Selves, moment to moment to moment.
Martha Shea
Founder of Quick Hit Yoga.
Martha, thank you so much for your class, it has benefitted me in many ways. Not only has it helped improve core strength and flexibility, it has also helped in my rehabilitation from ongoing symptoms of PCS (Post Concussion Syndrome) from a car accident a number of years ago. Your class has helped me manage the headaches, while making me feel more centred, and "in the moment," which can be difficult after a head injury.
Something that resonated with me from your recent Quick Hit Yoga videos, near the end of one session you mentioned "Every breath IN is an opportunity to start again, and every breath OUT is a chance to let go." What a nice reminder that as the imperfect and flawed human beings we are, we always have the opportunity to strive to be better, no matter our circumstances. There is always hope and joy in this life, we just need to embrace it! And if we fail, which all too often happens, we can always start over, and work towards being that better vision of ourselves. Thank you for being such a great, and wonderfully tough yoga instructor, I can't wait to see what's coming next from Quick Hit Yoga!

Love love love 💕 this program well worth the money! Without changing my diet I felt huge changes in my body after only 4 times of doing the videos.